VA Comp (basic art)
Comprehensive (Basic Art) Wheeler High School
Kathleen Briner
Course Description: This art class is the prerequisite for all
art classes offered at Wheeler High School.
Students will learn the elements and principles of design as they work
on art projects in both two and three dimensional mediums, in accordance with
the Cobb County School District Standards. Art history and appreciation, art critique
methods, critical thinking skills, writing, and exploration of career choices
are also covered in class this semester.
Student Expectations:
Each student is encouraged to pursue abilities with self-expression, and
increase in both creative and technical skills. Rubrics are used for grading
projects, and quizzes and tests are given on the language (vocabulary) of art,
the elements and principles of design, technical aspects of art mediums and
creation, and art history information.
All school policies and procedures are enforced in the
art room. Proper use and care of the
classroom and all materials is important.
Each student MUST clean up!
Failure to comply with classroom procedures and rules will result in
consequences. And it is extremely
important that all students respect the property of the school and the property
and feelings of others.
Class Rules and Expectations:
1. Be
present and on time, participate in class discussions and critiques, and make
efficient use of class time.
2. Complete
all class projects and class assignments.
3. Be
safe and responsible with all art room materials and supplies. Use the tools and materials only as they are
meant to be used.*
4. Clean
up your mess and put supplies and tools back in their proper place.*
5. Be
respectful to your teacher and classmates.
6. Students
are not allowed to work on assignments for other classes unless ALL work is completely
finished for class.
students violate rules #3 or #4, then serious consequences will result
including loss of right to use the materials/tools again for the semester.
Leaving class:
You must have permission and a pass from Mrs. Briner to leave class for ANY
reason. DO NOT leave class without permission.
Computer Lab: Students must ask Mrs. Briner for permission
to use the computer lab. No food or
drink allowed in the lab. Computer use is for school assignments only.
Phone Use: Students must put phones away and have ear
buds/headphones off of head when Mrs. Briner is teaching and/or addressing the
class. Phone use is limited to listening
to music (with headphones only) and for researching class assignments. Students are not allowed to talk on the
phone, watch videos, etc. during class.
- Class assignments and projects 45%
- Studio Progress
- Final 15%
I have read the syllabus and agree to follow classroom
rules and expectations:
__________________________________________________ date: __________________
Suggested Materials for
your own personal use: various sizes of black felt tip markers, a
personal sketchbook, good quality erasers, various drawing pencils, a ruler,
good quality colored pencils (Prismacolor pencils are good)