Drawing & Painting

Wheeler High School

Drawing and Painting I and II, Fall 2018
Kathleen Briner e-mail: Kathleen.briner@cobbk12.org

Building upon the knowledge and skills obtained in VA Comprehensive, students will apply intermediate drawing and painting techniques including contour, gesture, value, and color theory according to the Georgia Standards of Excellence for 9-12 Visual Art. Through a series of set-ups and demonstrations, students will learn to create dynamic compositions while gaining a sound understanding of materials and methods. Media may include graphite, charcoal, ink, oil pastels, colored pencils, acrylic and watercolor paints, as well as non-traditional media. In addition to art production, we will explore aspects of aesthetics, criticism, and influences of historical and contemporary art.

Students enrolled in Drawing and Painting II will be given more advanced assignments, and if appropriate, the opportunity for self-guided study. This course will stress the importance of curating a quality portfolio.

As a Certified STEM school, we at Wheeler possess the mindset and resources to offer cross-curricular learning opportunities to our students. Infusion of the Arts into the STEM curriculum – hence STEAM – is proven to enhance engagement and understanding among all subjects. For more information, visit http://educationcloset.com/steam/

As every student possesses a unique skill set, each is expected to demonstrate an appropriate and progressive level of initiative, self-expression and technical skill. Assessment will consist of in-process observation, small-group and class critique, initiative, creativity, and technical criteria specific to each project.

Students are required to purchase a sketchbook for use throughout the semester. Sketchbooks must be approximately 9” x 12” with blank pages (no lines). Sketchbooks must be obtained by Friday, August 24th. These may be purchased at any art/craft store, Wal-Mart, Target, most supermarkets, or even Dollar Tree. Any student unable to provide his/her own sketchbook should see Mrs. Briner privately so alternative arrangements can be made. Sketchbooks from previous semesters may be re-used.

All school policies and procedures are enforced in the art room.

Leaving class: You must have permission and a pass from Mrs. Briner to leave class for ANY reason. DO NOT leave class without permission.
Computer Lab: Students must ask Mrs. Briner for permission to use the computer lab. No food or drink allowed in the lab. Computer use is for school assignments only.
Phone Use: Students must put phones away and have ear buds/headphones off of head when Mrs. Briner is teaching and/or addressing the class. Phone use is limited to listening to music (with headphones only) and for researching class assignments. Students are not allowed to talk on the phone, watch videos, etc. during class.

* Class assignments and projects (including sketchbook) 45%
* Studio progress 40%
* Final 15%


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